
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

He is faithful

One of the desires of my heart is to have daily quiet time with the Lord. I have learned through the years this is a super green foods drink for my spirit. I come away overflowing and ready to pour into my husband and children.

This has been a bit difficult lately since A is not sleeping thru the night and wakes about every 2.5 hours to eat.

This morning she was wide awake at 4 am so as I was getting her back to sleep I kept watching the clock telling myself there is no way I'm gonna be able to have QT at 5. A got back to sleep at about 4:45.

As I crawled back into my oh so comfy bed....




My alarm let me know I had an appointment in the library.

By this time I was mostly up so I grabbed my stuff and went over for my fix.

While sitting there reading my bible and just enjoying this time it hit me

That monkey that always seems to find me during my early morning rendezvous with the Lord.

I knew I had a full day ahead of me so I wrestled with going back to bed so I could function throughout the rest day and not turn into zombie mommy.

(A little background on me...sleep used to be my best friends...okay okay...sleep is still one of my favorite things to do)

At that moment I prayed and asked the Lord to allow me to pull from His Anointing thru my day so I would not be tired and grumpy from lack of sleep...


At this point I am beyond tired and the words in my bible are starting to blur.

I am too thirsty to go to bed though. I decide to write in my prayer journal and pray the word.

Shortly I began to hear little footsteps and I knew my QT had ended and the day was beginning. I walked away filled and glad I had pushed past the sleep monster.

The best part is...His Anointing is so sufficient.

I had planned to take a nap after dropping the girls off for school to compensate for my lack of sleep, but couldn't lol. I am so awake its comical.

He is faithful. A consistent theme God has been reminding me of is that He cares. He sees our hearts and hears us when we call.

Chanelle :)

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