
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Do you still date?

When Rich and I were going thru our pre-marriage counseling the pastor told us to always put each other first. At the time I think both Rich and I were like "well of course...duh". 10 years and 4 kids later we truly understand what the pastor was trying to get across to us.

Nurturing a marriage in the midst of work, babies, morning sickness, bills, illness, fights, accomplishments and failures can get lost in the dust of it all. However when Rich and I made a conscious choice to carve time out for "date nights" our marriage and relationship blossomed, not to mention a few other benefits as well.

There are times when we couldn't do a formal date out. During these times we would purposefully do something after the kids went to bed. Our favorite thing to do these days is buy our favorite ice cream treat, hide it waaaayyyyy in the back of the freezer, and pull it out and talk for a few hours. It our little secret...which makes it even more fun.

Here are a few ideas for easy, fun and FREE dates with your spouse...(I am a multi-tasker so these can even bee used for individual or group dates with your children)

1. Enjoy a late night swim at a nearby lake or pool.

2. Cuddle up in the corner of your library with an art book or short story that interests both of you. Choose a color, image, or word and kiss each time you run across it.

3. Pack up your laptop and favorite DVD. Find a nice quiet spot preferably outside under the stars. Cuddle up and watch the movie.

4. Many museums offer free admission check with your local library.

5. Take a free class at the local home improvement or garden store.

6. If you have a Wii take advantage of the bowling, tennis and golf. A little friendly competition is nice.

7. Check the paper for open houses. As you visit make mental notes for future home improvements.

8. Test drive you dream car.

Be Blessed!!!!


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