
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS!!!

So a couple of days ago I had a chance to put "some feet" on my memory verse.

It started out with me hinting to Rich that I was a tired. I was hoping I would get a pass to go to bed early and he would put the girls to bed. Instead five minutes later he tells me, "now that you said you were tired I am tired" and proceeded to take a nap.
A bit frustrated I proceed to put the girls to bed, looking forward to a much needed soak in the tub.
Once the girls were all warm and cozy in their beds, I made a beeline for my bathroom. I turned the hot water on full bore and proceeded to get my bubbles and music for and evening of relaxation and refreshment. Next thing I know I turn around and my tub is full of disgusting brown water. At this point I don't even want to know.
So I proceed to my computer and connect my iPhone. I had recently went to the library and checked out a CD bible study by Linda Dillow called "Calm My Anxious Heart". No better time than the present to start this timely study. So as my iPhone is syncing, I go to the kitchen to brew a cup of chamomile tea. Upon returning to my phone I notice I have 4 apps on my phone. If you are not familiar with the iPhone you can download all sorts of application called "apps". I had at least 50 ranging from password keeper,goals, to-dos, and a years worth of recipies I had created. So my heart immediately plummeted when I saw all my apps reduced to four. I unhooked my phone and confirmed my fears...I had lost everything!!!!! Now the good thing is that my iTunes account had the apps themselves saved on my account. The bad thing is that all the data I had saved was lost.
All that was left for me to do was go to bed and pout. As I layed in bed and just chewed on my frustration and dissapointment in the evening I was reminded of the first verse in my memory verse this week.
"rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice"

Although I did not feel like praising God, I began to sing his praises. Before I knew It I had totally forgotten about my miniscule irritants and begain praying and interceding for Haiti and all the other hurting people in our world.

I learned that night that when we offer up a sacrifice of praise, we take the focus off ourselves and on our Lord and His purposes.

Nothing could be greater.

Be Blessed

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