
Monday, October 14, 2013

Green Juice Kale Shot

I'm really bad about keeping track of how many days I've been on a juice fast. I mostly just listen to my body for timing on coming of. 
However today I got caught up with sick kids and didn't juice and it is now 9:30. 
Big No No. 😅😔
 I am typically on my second juice by now. So to give me a jolt I made a green shot.

 Just what I needed. 
This recipe will make 3-4 shots. 

5 handfuls of baby kale 
1 kiwi
1/2 lemon (peeled leaving as much pith as possible)

Wash kale and kiwi. Run kale thru the juicer and then the kiwi and lemon. 
Pour into shot glad and go at it. Expect an immediate jolt of happy energy. 😀
If not pour and repeat. 😉

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