
Monday, December 9, 2013

5 great books every mom should read with their girl

I am a book junkie and by DNA my girls have become the same.  Books have become an avenue of learning, communicating and planning for each of us.  Below are a few books that were invaluable resources for my girls as they grew older.  They each speak to the heart of their God created femininity and encourages them to embrace not only that but the God who created them in His image.

I absolutely loved this book and the heart behind it.  The author states
"I asked God how I could teach my young daughters the value of their purity, how I could begin in their early years to stress the importance and beauty of saving themselves for marriage.  This is God's poignant answer.  My prayer is that this simple story will fulfill the same purpose for many other loving parents."
That is exactly what this book did for me.  It allowed me to gently introduce my young girls to the idea that they have a valuable gift that is theirs to decide to whom and when they would give away.
I began reading this to my girls around preschool age, simply as a bedtime story or for general reading.  By kindergarten/first grade we read the book as a bible study and included the "Life Lessons" along with the book.  They loved it.  Now since I only had girls until recently I never read The Squire and the Scroll", but currently have and for my boys.  That's another post.  :)

This was and is a wonderful experience and journey that I have had the honor to travel with two of my girls so far.  It is wonderful to watch them as they "get it".  This book is arranged in 8 dates that you will plan and enjoy with your tween/teen daughter.  The intent is to teach them the power of true beauty and modesty.  It allows mothers to connect one on one with their daughters during a time that has been deemed the "turbulent" years.  Well I say "No" to that.  We serve a big God and I have never read that in the bible.  You will bond with your daughter while at the same time teach her the vital truth about beauty in a world that bombards them with lies.  This was a great second step to teaching my daughters about modesty, purity, and sexuality.  The world seeks to empower women, but one of the greatest powers you can teach your daughter is the power of modesty and embracing their God centered confidence.

From the book:

From the cradle to college, tell your daughters the truth about life before they believe the culture’s lies.
For mothers with girls newborn to eighteen, Five Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter is simply a must-have book. Youth culture commentator Vicki Courtney helps moms pinpoint and prepare the discussions that should be ongoing in their daughters' formative years.

To fully address the dynamic social and spiritual issues and influencers at hand, several chapters are written for each of the conversations, which are:
1. You are more than the sum of your parts
2. Don’t be in such a hurry to grow up
3. Sex is great and worth the wait
4. It’s OK to dream about marriage and motherhood
5. Girls gone wild are a dime a dozen—dare to be virtuous

From back of book: Long before we may realize it, our daughters are bombarded with messages about sex-from friends, advertisers, media icons  and more.  All of this input - along with the whirlwind of emotions that accompany puberty-can leave them confused, filled with unasked questions about boys, dating, sex and their own value. 
While you may believe that your preteen or early adolescent is too young for "the talk", now is the perfect time for creative conversations about sexuality.  By introducing key principles and truths during these teachable years; you can lay a foundation that will help your daughter withstand the inevitable pressures young women face.  And you will create a lasting bond, establishing yourself as a trustworthy authority who is willing to help her address the sensitive issues in her life.
I must say that I am currently reading this book with my 13 year old who is in 7th grade public middle school.  The journey we have walked since she was younger-fostering a comfort zone for her to ask question and/or validate things she has heard at school is priceless.  You want to be the person that lays the foundation for your daughter.  Even if you has all the best friends that have the same convictions you are rising your daughter with, believe me she will have a class or be in the lunch room and hear some not so clean things.  You want to create a foundation that she feels comfortable coming to you with any kind of question and know that you will shoot straight. 
This book is broken into two sections.  The first is intended to be read by the mother alone as a preparation of what to plan and how to approach some subjects.  The second part is intended for mother and daughter to go through together. 
5.  For Young Women only By: Shaunti Feldhahn & Lisa A. Rice

My 13 year old read this book and I will be posting her book review shortly
Book description:
Unlock the Male Mystery

Guys will be guys. And now girls can know what that means! For Young Women Only dives into the mysterious inner-workings of the teenage male mind so that you can begin to understand why guys say and do what they do. Exploring critical topics including respect, insecurity, appearance, physical affection, and the “tough and tender”-ness of guys, this book is also packed with “ask the expert” sections, quotes, and fun personal stories from guys in all walks of life. Why is he so visually stimulated? You may wish it weren’t so, but that won’t make it so. I don’t want to put on a front for him to like me. Actually, he wants your genuineness, too! This book will help you grasp how God wired the opposite sex so you can enjoy your relationships with them.

Why Are Guys So Weird?

Unravel the mystery. A national scientific survey and in-depth personal interviews give you an unprecedented look inside the teenage male mind. Discover how: He’d be perfectly fine if he was loved by few and hated by many…as long as he was respected by all His ego is the size of Africa (but so are his insecurities) He hides his real feelings under a tough exterior He’s magnetized by pretty girls–but also wants to find a diamond in the rough He actually does want to marry a virgin He just wants you to be yourself.

It’s the inside scoop you’ve been waiting for! You’ll come to not only understand him, but also know what he might really be thinking about you.

“This is a phenomenal book that I wish I’d had as a teenager!”
-Shannon Ethridge, Bestselling author, Every Young Woman’s Battle
“Girls, this book is a MUST-read!”
-Candace Cameron Bure, Actress, speaker
Story Behind the Book

“My teenage daughter really needs to hear this!” Such was the typical reaction from countless men and women who read Shaunti Feldhahn ’s bestselling For Women Only.“If forty-year-old women are surprised by the truth about how men think, we realized the value in helping teenagers discover these realities as well,” says Shaunti. Teaming with her best friend Lisa Rice, a mother of teen girls and the coauthor of For Women Only Discussion Guide, they launched a major national survey of guys fifteen to twenty. Their surprising findings are revealed here to help girls improve their relationships with the opposite sex, now and into the future.

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