
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Book Review: Your Beautiful Purpose: Discovering and Enjoying What GodCan Do Through You

Title: Your Beautiful Purpose: Discovering and Enjoying What God Can Do Through You
Author: Susie Larson
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
January 1, 2013

ISBN-10: 0764210661
ISBN-13: 978-0764210662

Genre: Christian living

Popular Radio Host Shows Women How to Embrace God's Unique Call for Their Life

Listeners to Susie Larson's radio show and women she meets at events across the country tell her the same thing: I want to do something meaningful for God, but I don't know what to do, or how.

Drawing on her own hard-earned experiences, Larson shows readers how to overcome insecurities, busyness, and other obstacles in order to focus their gifts and passions on their unique God-assignment. With biblical insights and inspiring stories from a variety of women, this action-oriented guide will speak to every woman who has felt a nudge from God--from the visionary who wants to end poverty to the empty-nest mom who feels called to help the young single mother next door.

From the Back Cover

Let God Breathe a Fresh Purpose Into Your Soul

We so want each day to matter--to serve God in big and small ways. But how, especially when everyday responsibilities, work, fears, and other obstacles get in the way? 

Like a trusted friend, Susie Larson shares practical, scriptural ways to overcome whatever keeps us from living fully in God's will. Susie will help you learn to:

- Discern the best use of your time and gifts

- Confidently pursue God's unique desires for you

- Stretch your faith and deepen your impact

Respond today to that nudge in your spirit--that desire to use your gifts and passions more fully in God's work. Lay down lesser commitments and lay hold of God's beautiful purpose for your life.

Susie Larsons Your Beautiful Purpose was a breath of fresh air. I felt as though every page brought Gods wisdom, like a refreshing wind. The encouragement to embrace fully Gods divine purpose for me was spot on and easy to walk out.  

The gentle way she brought to attention our tendency to want what someone else is living, made it me not only aware of areas that need Christ's' light, but enables me to address it and adjust. 
Each and every one of us has a journey, a purpose to walk out. This book equips you with Gods word and promises, paving the way to complete the journey you were created to complete. 

If you or someone you know is questioning your purpose here or how to accomplish your purpose then this book is for you. It is encouraging. Uplifting. Positive. And has an empowering feel. 

Your Beautiful Purpose is a book that any woman who feels they have I purpose within them, screaming to get out. $12.02. 240 pages. 

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